Take the test- Burnout

Burnout can affect anyone.

Particularly affected are people who are exposed to permanent stress, have difficulties saying "no", are perfectionists, or strive for recognition through their work. Thus, PhD candidates and Postdocs are at a higher risk for developing burnout. 

When someone suffers from burnout, that person has reached a state of deep emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion.

Time pressure and emotional stress are often cited as reasons why sufferers feel mentally and physically exhausted.

The self-test asks 21 important indicators and reveals your potential burnout risk.

What is the test evaluating?

The test assesses your physical and emotional state. 87 percent of the German population say they feel stressed by their work.

The questions and the evaluation of this test take into account the slow progression of burnout.

The evaluation shows you your risk level and gives information on whether you might need an examination or treatment or where help can be found.

Using the following 21 questions, you can make an initial assessment to determine whether you are at risk of burnout and thus identify your personal risk profile.


Please note: The online burnout self-test only provides a rough initial assessment. This online test does not serve as an exact professional diagnosis. Please contact your local doctors or specialists for this!

Please note:

This online test cannot replace a precise professional diagnosis. Please consult a doctor or specialist in your area!

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