Arm your PhD candidates with the tools to thrive in their PhD journey!

You want to provide the most valuable skills and tools for your PhD candidates because that's exactly what they need!


Help your PhD candidates to gain momentum in their journey and stay healthy!


How your PhD candidate achieve their goals with our PhD Success System:

Overcome imposter syndrome

  • Improve mental handling of challenges, overcome imposter syndrome, greater sustained focus, and more positive attitude

Achieve more in less time

  • Get more done in less time, and keep balance by scheduling recharging time. Laser-sharp focus and enormous productivity

Improve stress handling and prevent burnout

  • Lower perceived stress, avoid therapy, be more resilient, in balance and happier

Facilitate their PhD-journey

How it works


short videos from 5-15 min


exercises to internalize the learnings

Live Q&A

ask questions and learn from answers and from each other

What your PhD-Candidates will learn

They will learn how to deal with imposter syndrome to increase their confidence and be unstoppable

How to control their stress levels to be more relaxed and keep their momentum.

They learn to use the time properly for laser-sharp focus and increased productivity

After implementing tools from the PSS, they can spend their time more meaningful, effectively, and balanced, without too much stress 

Successfully and healthily graduate

They have laid the foundation for a successful and balanced professional life.

Our Collaborators

Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich

Graduate school of Quantitative Biosciences Munich

University of Cologne

Graduate school for Biological Sciences

You've been there

Your benefits as Coordinator

You want to provide the most valuable skills and tools for your PhD candidates, because that's exactly what they need!

You've been in their shoes and know all the struggles, challenges, and fears

Improved Research Productivity

The system enhances PhD Candidates' research productivity through effective tools like planning, time management, and task prioritization and strategies, leading to better outcomes and faster progress as well as laser-sharp focus.

Retention and Satisfaction

The system enhances retention and satisfaction by fostering a positive research environment, benefiting everyone with a motivated team.

Competitive Advantage

Our science-backed system provides a competitive edge by demonstrating a commitment to excellence.

Reduce Time to Completion

Reduce time to completion: Efficient guidance helps PhD candidates navigate challenges, make timely decisions, and overcome obstacles, leading to reduced project timelines and saved resources.

Enhanced Mental Well-being

With tools and strategies to manage stress and challenges, the system improves well-being and fosters a positive research atmosphere.

Personal and Professional Growth

Investing in the well-being and development of your PhD candidates demonstrates your commitment to their growth, promoting job satisfaction, motivation, and retention within your research team

Foundation for their whole life

All the tools and techniques from the system are not only helpful during the PhD, but during their whole life meaning you help them prepare and be equipped for challenges after their PhD

What you get

Success system for your PhD Candidates

No booking rooms

For all PhDs, from a PhD. Your coaching for a successful promotion.

High satisfaction

Your PhD-Candidates got high satisfaction as they can take the course whenever and wherever they want

No need to find a date

For coordinators who want to help their students succeed

Lifetime access

Your PhD-Candidates receive lifetime access, so they profit from all the renewals and extensions of the system

Detailed content of the PhD Success System

Each course consists of 10 lessons, which only take 30 mins!

These are not typical workshops where they sit around for one or two days and forget everything soon after.

Our science-backed courses are designed to be taken over a longer time to really work intensively on themselves and learn how to apply the suggested tools. Therefore, they will have lifetime access so they can come back to it regularly to maximize their potential.

Step one:

Overcome imposter syndrome for confidence and success

        1. Develop a strong growth mindset for success and resilience
        2. Finally understand and handle your imposter syndrome to feel confident, secure, and safe!
        3. Face challenges with a positive attitude

        Step two:

        Master your time to boost productivity and balance 

              1. Know how to properly plan, with balance and fun. You are the master of your time!
              2. Increased understanding of your own time and energy blocks
              3. Learn what is important to have a laser-sharp focus and be productive

              Step three:

              Handle your stress to prevent burnout and feel relaxed

                    1. Stay calm in challenging situations
                    2. Know and understand that you will handle everything and increase your resilience
                    3. Understanding of how to avoid stress in the first place and stay healthy

                    Coordinator Feedback

                    Being the coordinator of a graduate school, I am frequently contacted by PhD students who seek advice or an open ear for their current situation. Stress, the feeling of being overwhelmed and overworked, pressure to perform, and feeling insecure about the future, are topics students touch very often. I can literally see how they get trapped in negative thoughts, unable to identify tools that could help them change their mindset. Suggesting to attend courses training their stress tolerance and learning how to deal with such situations, considering their overcrowded schedules, can seem ironic in this setting.

                    The modular structure of the ElantoScience workshops with all training being recorded and accessible at all times, allows busy PhD students to attend courses at their own pace, repeat individual elements if they need, and take their time to reflect on, as well as practice course contents. Despite participating remotely, at all times during their training, they can still get in touch with the trainer, and interact with other participants of the course during the Q&A and exchange meetings, a feature students found very helpful.

                    The “PhD Survival System” is a precious training program that can be easily integrated into the busy schedule of stressed PhD students and offers the support young scientists need to handle this demanding qualification period. I highly recommend it without any hesitation and can only encourage PhD students to give it a try…

                    They might realize they manage to cope with their “PhD-stresses” much better afterward.

                    Graduate School Coordinator

                    University of Cologne

                    Successes of PhD candidates after taking the PSS:

                    “I’ve been through a stressful time and had some problems, that’s why I could apply quite some methods I learned in the courses.”

                    “ What really helps me is counting my breath in stressful situations”

                    “ I plan my weeks now and focus on my most important tasks”

                    “I feel I am much more organized …”

                    “Sometimes I like to go through  the stress ppt slides”

                    “I still go around complimenting ppl in the gym and at work, it makes my day

                    “I’m still implementing in my time schedule some of the tips of the time management part of the courses and a bit few bits of the beginning “

                    Success Stories

                    I participated in the course “The PhD Success System” and think it is a very helpful course that should be mandatory for every PhD candidate to learn about the biggest obstacles and how to solve them. Additionally, the tools that were taught by Elanto Science will not only help me with my scientific career but also with my personal development. Thank you!

                    PhD Candidate

                    Marco Niestroj, University of Cologne

                    I am a rather restless person struggling to distance myself from work and other things. This course provides techniques and methods to help with this. Also, I was provided with a very easy technique for meditation, which helps me in stressful situations.

                    PhD Candidate
                    University of Cologne

                    The course helped me to reflect on my daily life routines as well as my reactions to my PhD life situations and events. Not only provided me with tips but also I was able to start building a healthy relationship with my work.

                    PhD Candidate
                    University of Cologne

                    Learning new ways to handle imposter syndrome and potential burnout is wonderful!

                    PhD Candidate
                    FEBS-IUBMB-ENABLE conference

                    I think it was really cool and helpful as I find myself having negative thoughts all the time. I am looking forward to incorporating these exercises into my routine and helping me manage stress

                    PhD Candidate
                    FEBS-IUBMB-ENABLE conference

                    I really liked the experience. It was very useful because I'm struggling with imposter syndrome. Along with the therapy I'm doing personally, this experience gave the specific insight into my career

                    PhD Candidate
                    FEBS-IUBMB-ENABLE conference

                    The course was really helpful because I find myself in a difficult position now that I've just started my PhD. It was easy to follow and the speaker was absolutely amazing

                    PhD Candidate
                    FEBS-IUBMB-ENABLE conference

                    Michaela is very open about her challenges from her PhD and uses this as the basis for integrating it with the advice given.

                    PhD Candidate

                    University of Cologne, ML4Q

                    Overall a nice course with relatable content and inspiring input.

                    PhD Candidate

                    University of Cologne, ML4Q

                    Get the complete system for your PhD candidates!

                    Um, I still have a question

                    Are you guys psychologists?

                    No, we are not psychologists. We cannot and do not want to replace the work of a psychologist. Our goal is to prevent you from having to see a psychologist in the first place!

                    I am doing a PhD in Medicine / Biology / Chemistry / Civil Engineering / (insert your PhD subject) - can you still help me?

                    Yes, we can help every DOktorand! Our holistic system will help you succeed in any subject and lay a strong foundation for your entire life.

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